5 Steps to Get Best Hair Transplant Results

Hair Transplant is not only surgery, it’s an art form. So, the more attention is given while performing hair transplant surgery the more beautiful results will be.

Unfortunately, many of the surgeons are taking hair transplantation as a business. And trying to make money as much as possible.

And instead of performing hair transplant surgery as an art, they are doing surgeries without even taking care of the most important points that are necessary to get natural results.

So, it’s our responsibility to choose a hair transplant clinic where the surgeons are performing surgeries by taking care of every important fundamental step of hair restoration surgery.

There are basically 5 important steps:-

1. Pre-procedure plan:- Proper planning to use adequate grafts from the donor area considering save as many grafts for future if required. This step is the most important one because over-harvesting from the donor area may harm the donor area.

These should be available grafts left in the donor area for the future if another surgery is required.

2. Hairline designing:- Designing a hairline to improve facial framing of a patient. Special attention needs to be given for this part.

A good and natural hairline makes a hair transplant result good and natural. A hair should be designed in a way that it suits the facial structure of the patient.

It should neither be too low or too high.

3. Sorting of grafts:- This is the part which is ignored by most of the clinics. Special attention should be given in the sorting of grafts and implant according to the part where they have to be placed to look more natural.

Single and multi hair grafts are to be sorted to help during the time of the placement of grafts.

4. Placement of grafts:- This makes our results more natural and more aesthetic then rest of the other clinics.

5. Angulation and Direction of grafts:- Most important part of the Hair Transplant procedure. The Best Hair Restoration specialists pay special attention towards angulation or direction of grafts.